Friday, July 5, 2013

Trina’s summer so far

The extra weight I’m carrying since getting pregnant has been more than enough for me. But when I am able to, I do lug around my DSLR to capture moments. These are what I have so far with the rest being stored on my iPhone. I’ll get to sharing those later but for now, here’s Trina’s summer so far!

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At the last day of school! The girls enjoyed looking at photos of themselves jumping and being all sorts of goofy. :)

Trina watching television Trina playing a game with Rosie
She loved this outfit and so did I! We just paired her swimsuit top with a skirt she rarely wears. When Trina was a little girl, she preferred to dress herself with her hair tied back into a ponytail. She didn’t like it when I would play “dress up” with her but she has been more willing lately! It probably has to do with her friends telling her how cool they think I am that she finally trusts me. ;)

Playing table hockey with Ariel First time playing Pacman!
Ariel and I took her to Gameworks in Seattle one day. The last time I visited this place was about 13 years ago so everything felt so new to me. It probably had to do with the fact that the entire place has been remodeled… or so it seemed.

Trina cleaning her bike Ariel chasing after Trina with the hose
I finally got around to ordering a tire pump for Trina’s bicycle. It has been sitting in the backyard because you know, Washington State’s weather is pretty much rain all year round. With the sun coming out and the weather getting warmer, we took out her bike, gave it a tune-up, and a nice wash while Ariel worked on his car. We They also enjoyed a bit of water fighting.

Trina and the sprinkler 
Powerwashing the deck with Daddy Trina powerwashing the deck by herself
Washing away the three weathers except summer off the deck to get ready for the many, many BBQs to come. :)

Trina on the 4th Kids watching a movie on the deck

Trina had a lot of little kids to play with on Independence Day! I’m sure she would have been happier to have kids her own age but she gets along with anyone of any age. Here she is watching a movie with her cousins Orlando (from Ariel’s side) and Christie (from my side) on the deck. I brought out a mat with lots of blankets and pillows for them to get comfortable in.

+As you can see, her hairstyle has been the same throughout the summer. It’s because her hair part was just down the middle for as long as she had hair to tie back and we’re trying to have it parted sideways now. She’s been wanting to have her hair parted on the side but it was impossible during the school year—she’s a very active girl and no amount of bobby pins would keep her hair in place! Three weeks and counting, braiding her hair nicely braided to keep everything in place has worked whereas nothing did before! Now she can keep her hair down and the part will stay, but it’s been too hot to not keep it tied back!

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